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Decade Game Workshop - New York 2020

  • New York United States (map)

Time & Location

Oct 23-25, 2020

Location is TBD


About the Event

Whether you are just starting to explore possibilities in your Twenties; navigate a path of potential in your Thirties; define your place in the world in your Forties; make your mark in your Fifties; leverage your wisdom in your Sixties; rejoice in your legacy in your Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties-- you can live an amazing and epic decade of your own design.

You will learn and be equipped to...

  • Identify and acknowledge your gifts, strengths and super-powers

  • Learn what core beliefs no longer serve you

  • Discover your purpose – enhance your life’s work

  • Envision the best possible story for your life 10 years into the future

  • Commit to the full range of possibilities that are yours to have

  • Gain clarity on how to best invest your time, talents and treasures

  • Design actions and practices that make your intentions come alive

  • Experience the fun and joy of playing the game of your life

Three-day event:

Friday 1:00pm-8:00pm, includes dinner

Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm, includes continental breakfast and lunch.  5:30-7:00pm cocktail hour

Sunday 8:30am - 4:00pm, includes continental breakfast and lunch. 

If you know any other amazing women who would benefit from the Decade Game Workshop, whether in either location, please forward them this event.