How To Overcome The Fear Of Aging

How To Overcome The Fear Of Aging

In the past, I never had much difficulty with age. Never worried about getting older and rarely gave it a thought. Then I had a certain birthday, which clearly indicated I was at midlife. I knew I was the same person but fear started to creep in around getting older which included financial security, health and even relationships. I let the number take control.

Turn Worry Into Positive Acton

Turn Worry Into Positive Acton

I woke up this morning thinking about something I couldn’t figure out, and for which I really didn’t have an answer. I got increasingly agitated as I went back and forth between "Should I?" and "Should I not?" Then I caught myself, I realized this regurgitation of thoughts was not serving me.

Getting Your Life Back From Depression

Getting Your Life Back From Depression

A woman I worked with had become very depressed from what was literally a life-altering job change. Her passion in life was being a law enforcement officer. Being out in the community was where she felt she belonged. Then, an illness caused tremors in her hands to the point where she could no longer handle a gun the way she needed to